Sean Connery in James Bond movies

So, tonight I thought I would write a blog about the James Bond movies.  The older ones that I didn’t actually watch yet.  So, the idea here is that I will watch a couple of them for the first time and give you all a bit of a review.  I’ll give you my opinion on different scenes just for something to do.  A lot of us probably need something to do at this time lol.  Ok, so here we go!

Ok so the first Bond film that I’m going to talk about is NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN. 

So in the scene where old man Bond (at least compared to the other guy) is working out on the bench press and in comes this other guy that wants to kill him.  The fight goes on a good five minutes at least.  The whole fight scenes pretty much made me laugh since this was the first time that I watched it.

The attacker first takes out another guy by twisting his neck or something like that and then goes after Mr. Connery.  He gets off the bench when he can and picks up two five pound weights to throw at the guy and it has no affect.  The fight continues and Connery seems to be getting beaten until the very end when he throws a bottle at the other guy and finally knocks him out.

On another note let’s talk about something related.  Tanya Roberts has died at the age of 65 this past monday.  A great actress appearing in Charlie’s Angel’s in the 1980’s, for those that enjoyed the show for what it’s worth.  She was also a Bond girl appearing in A VIEW TO A KILL alongside Christopher Walken and ofcourse, Roger Moore.  I’m sure she has a lot of fans out there and she will definately be missed.

Now, let’s get back to the movies and talk about GOLDFINGER next….

Goldfinger is a 1964 British Spy Film and the third installment in the James Bond series.

“Do you expect me to talk?”  I found an pretty interesting scene in this movie where Goldfinger was essentially trying to kill Bond.  He had OO7 strapped down to a table, lying down with what looked like a very powerful lazer beam coming down on him from above ready to cut him in half.  Because I am watching these older movies for the first time this scene was pretty suspenseful and I really didn’t know how he was going to get out of that situation alive.

As usual Mr. Bond was able to think on his feet and get himself out of danger by suggesting that he might have some information that Goldfinger would want.  All in all, that was a pretty bada## scene!

Source Wikipedia

Connery was a keen footballer, having played for Bonnyrigg Rose in his younger days.  He was offered a trial with East Fife.  While on tour with South Pacific, Connery played in a football match against a local team that Matt Busby, manager of Manchester United, happened to be scouting.  According to reports, Busby was impressed with his physical prowess and offered Connery a contract worth 25 a week immediately after the game.  Connery said he was tempted to accept, but recalls, “I realized that a top-class footballer could be over the hill by the age of 30, and I was already 23.  I decided to become an actor and it turned out to be one of my more intelligent moves.”

I wonder what Sean Connery’s net worth would be now?  I guess I can search on the internet.

The next movie that I’m going to talk about is Dr No.

Agent 007 decides to battle against an eccentric scientist, Dr. No who is determined to ruin the U.S. space program.  Dr. No is the first film in the James Bond film series, and thus the first to star Sean Connery as Bond.

So in the scene that I watched Mr Bond had some sort of a lunch meeting that day and he was approached by a taxi driver ready to pick him up.  But he knew that there shouldn’t be a driver meeting him there because he didn’t request one.  So he became suspicious right away which he should.  He then made a phone call to confirm if there was supposse to be a driver waiting for him or not.  And there definitely wasn’t.  So Bond then gets in the car with the taxi driver, I guess to find out who he is.  They go for a drive “just anywhere…” as he says.

And ofcourse, down the road his suspicion proves to be correct.  When Mr. Bond realizes that there is something going on, he then points a gun at the driver’s head from the back seat and says “who are you working for?”

The more I watch this movie, the more I realize that this is a really cool, classic film that I missed out on.

Continuing with the scene…

Basically Mr. Bond asks the driver to get out of the car, then he pushes him out, and then they get into a scuffle.  During the fight Bond throws the guy to the ground and gives him a couple punches to the head.  Then he ends up passing out from cyanide being in the cigarettes.

As it seems, that was the last of the action in this scene.  From what I’ve read on the internet, this was the film that gave him a name.  Before becoming known he was acting in theatre.

Sean Connery’s James Bond pistol from Dr. No auctioned for $256K.

This blog was meant to be a tribute to Mr. Connery and his work.  I hope you enjoyed reading it.

I think I will continue to catch up on this series of movies on my own at a later time.  Maybe I will learn something along the way about what it means to be a really great actor.

Rest in peace, Mr. Connery.  You were great.

-Steve Hopkins