Pictures and Art…


This blog is for the artist.

Either you are one, or you know of one of your friends with these aspirations to be a successful artist.

What is your passion in life?



A little about me

My life..well I’m an artist.  An it’s been a long road.

Basically, I’ve learned a lot over the years.. mainly through trial and error.

But, I do have some formal education as a visual artist.

Among the topic’s for today’s blog

What is a successful artist? 

How can I become successful?

And what’s next?  What should I do now? 




Now looking into 2023

My life has changed a lot these days. Yes, work work work..but at the same time enjoying some leisure time when I can.

I’m making some improvements along the way…

..Lets get to the purpose of the blog.



So…What Is A Successful Artist?


A successful me..would be someone who actually takes time to express their creativity, focus on and build ideas to create art.

Do you realize how many people out there want to create artwork, or work on music, or whatever else they enjoy…but they don`t do it?



Are you an artist yourself? If so, you will be able to relate to this or you do know someone that’s an artist I’m sure.



When I was in high school this is what I wanted to do with my life.  But, we all know that becoming a successful artist is not an easy thing to do.

…when you think about it…it’s all development..



It’s Personal Development.



It’s not about business cards or high grades from high school or university.  And it isn’t even the amount of time you put towards your art.  Many people don’t start their art careers as full-time artists, but instead hold down two jobs (one for the rent, and one for the love of it). There tends to be a need not have their status as an artist become any less than professional..



If you can spend 10 hours every day working in their own studio then you’re pretty lucky. Of course devoting time to art is important but scheduling the time can be hard.  As you would already know.



So what are the best ways to organize yourself?

Maybe early in the morning when the children are at school, or the main focus of the weekends. So how can an artist become successful in a fast paced world?

Well, we have to find time to slow down and focus.  That’s it.

Try to find your discipline. It’s inside you.  Trust me.





It took me a while..but I found my mojo!

So what about time management?


What I do with my schedule..

Personally, just a bit of a tip…usually I’ll spend 30 or even 20 mins before I start my day.  One day at a time.

Other tips to follow in the next blog


Becoming Successful…

My suggestions…

Find an artistic community or group in your city.  Then, possibly being around other artists (the like minded people), you could make some improvements..

This may work for you..

I suggest doing what works for you

Overall.. what I think is important when you are developing yourself as an artist. A life long artist.


You should focus on building your skills and hone your talent to then market what you have.

*Be unique

*Find what is natural to you

*discover what are your favorite and most enjoyable subjects

*work hard

..and repeat…

that’s about it for now



I hope that this blog from a fellow artist might inspire others to work on their art (even if it remains a hobby).



Read more blogs here


Remaining questions for all artists..

What about the business side of art?

How should I market myself?





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My General Store here


thanks for dropping by! Have an awesome day.


Steve Hopkins 2022-2023