Have you ever wanted to play the role of Borat?  Well, I was given the opportunity to do just that a few times in my life.  I’m sure that some of the Borat fans out there will like this story.  This is how it all began.

So, sometime in the year 2006 I started doing an impersonation of Borat at a bar as part of me trying to get my act together in stand up.  Yes, I put on the wig and everything with a mustache and suit.  A suit, as in the picture in this article, not the bathing suit lol.  And by that time I had the accent down pat as well.  As good as I could get it.  More about that later on in the article.

On the first night of my performance I thought that I screwed it up because I was a bit nervous.  But people were enjoying it and clapping and it was on the first or second night that someone asked me to record my voice into their phone after I stepped off the stage.  At that point I thought I had a fan and maybe I had something good going here.  Shortly after that I became a feature of that show that was introduced every month or every two weeks.  So I kept on showing up to the show to do my thing and it was a lot of fun.

I began as a fan, and end as a fan

How I got into doing this or how I became Borat, let’s say, was that a friend from college introduced me to the Ali G show.  And I was pretty much hooked.  I used to watch it every sunday on showcase.  I just couldn’t believe that this one guy was able to pull off 3 characters.  So I started to study the show, and practice the Borat voice.  It took me 5 months to get it.

Every show I was introduced as the special feature

This particular show (back then), had the format of a variety show.  Which meant that I was going up before or after someone reading their poetry or playing their music.  It did feel good to be introduced every time as the comedy part of the show.

How and where did I get the hair?

Well, this new look that I had was a wig that I bought from dollarama.  This was a clown wig and mustashe set that I had found during Halloween, and I had to trim it to my liking.  To resemble Borat lol.  The suit I’m pretty sure that I bought it at Tip Top Tailors and I had to make sure it was grey.  Actors with mustaches.

Why I like this character so much

Well, for one.  I do like shock humour.  Depending on what it is exactly.  And I liked the type of humour and most of the dialogue.  But most of all I was impressed with the concept and the skill that it would take as an actor to pull that off and have everyone believe you that you are this person.  I like the other two characters, but not as much as this one.

One of the things that I am surprised about is that there actually was a second movie made.  After everyone realized that it was a gag, I thought that he really couldn’t pull it off again, because, well he wouldn’t be able to fool anyone and get those raw responses in the interviews that made the first movie successful.  But he found a way to change the story this time around in 2020.

Can you believe it? As yet, I haven’t even watched Borat 2.

Extra work in the Toronto Film Industry

I began my work as an actor in the scene working as an extra as most everyone has, but I never expected anything like this to ever happen.  It’s a little bit strange how I started out I guess.  So let’s go back to 2005.  I think I was looking online about how to start or how to find an agent for background work.  Yes, you do need an agent just be an extra in the movies.

I don’t remember how I ran into this guy, but it was Santa Claus that referred me to my first agent.  Ok, not the real Santa but a guy who played Santa in background work.  So I registered with them soon after that, and that’s how it all started for me.

I continued working as an extra for a few years until I decided it was time to move on.  In the end, I was an extra just to have some fun and make money at the same time.  I might even go back to it in the future, who knows?  But I knew it had it’s limits, and I wanted to be one of those funny actors.  Not just an extra.

I remember at one point that I had at least five agents back then and this work started to become almost full time work.  I was getting called a lot and had to make sure that I wasn’t getting double booked on any particular day because you can’t be two places at once.  Or be booked on the same show by two different agents.

I did learn a good amount about how the business is run, and got to witness some unique things on movie sets like a helicopter practically landing right in front of me with the sand blowing in my face.  And ofcourse I saw some of the big actors, the stars as well.  Read more about my acting work here


So, one day my buddy Leon from background work in Toronto called me to be a part of an upcoming television show (through the City tv studio), as Borat.  I was like, whaaat?! Wow really!?  Sure!

At first I was a little bit shocked to get such a phone call.  I soon became excited that I was gonna be a part of this show.  Leon asked me if I had a resume and to be prepared before I call.  I called to arrange a meeting and had a short interview in person at a later date.  Read more….