If you are interested in learning some acting basics for beginners, this could be the site for you.  Is it hard to become an Actor?

This, in no way is meant to say that the film business is bad or good.  These are just some things that I have learned along the way.

I guess this post could be expanding on my other posts ACTINGWORK.  Check them out if you haven’t read them yet.  There were a lot of things that I used to like while I was acting.  I think the main thing I liked was that I was doing something different in life beyond just a day to day job.

And the other part that felt good was that I was known for something.

So, here is a list of the things that you must do to become an Actor;

Take acting classes (a beginners class).

These should include scene study, script analysis, improvisation, voice and movement and possibly stage combat.

Once you are at a point that you feel comfortable enough with acting, then start submitting yourself online for acting work.  There still should be some free websites out there where everyone has access.

Build up your resume with experience and then approach an agent.

Reality Check!

But, the reality is that you will probably end up spending more money then you are taking in to maintain your career or work.  Especially with headshots.  There are also some courses that people will suggest that you take.  Even though they may be exactly right, and these courses would improve your abilities as an actor, they will cost.

Improving your abilities as an Actor is the best thing you can do to succeed.  Each time that you put together a new reel, it will be better than the last one.

An actor buddy of mine told me what his way of maintaining a career was.  He said, at least, at the minimum, enroll in an acting class once or twice a year.  And update your actor headshots about the same.

By the way, if you want to pursue acting….you really need to pursue it.

It takes hard work, patience and time.  You cannot just jump into the industry and say”Here I am, hire me!”  You have to build up your skills and experience (as mentioned above), before an agent will take you on.  They will be representing you, and you need to know the basics of what you are doing.

And, the last thing that I would include on this list is to network.  I did a lot of that in the past and it really helped.  A lot of actors who started in student films move on to bigger projects when they gain experience.  Hey I was in an ad campaign for Joe Fresh and Bacardi!  See my blog post on NETWORKING.


August 27 th 2021

As I was sipping on a coffee in the backyard I realized that in the past I really didn’t want to succeed.  Or I most likely would have succeeded.  The people around me at that time were usually pretty positive with me, with my life direction and my goals.  Over time I have realized who the people were that were discouraging me, and why.  That’s ok.  That’s part of wanting to be in the spotlight.  A lot of other people wanted it too.

I had at least two or three opportunities that could of put me in that direction.  But, I turned them down.  I walked away.  That’s what I meant by I really didn’t want to succeed.

Look out for part 3 coming soon!


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